
When you say you work in IT most people assume you work on computers. Some think you literally make the computers, while others might assume you write code since you’re Korean. It’s kind of similar to when I say I was in the Air Force and people automatically ask if I was an officer and what did I fly.

Working in IT fully remote is nonstop. I moved to full remote due to COVID and then recently switched jobs to one that is permanently remote. It’s definitely got some pros and cons.


1) I don’t waste two hours of my day driving. When I was in Colorado I lived 15 minutes from work, 13 if I ran over a few bunnies on the way. Here in Phoenix I was 45 minutes away with no traffic. The one day I got stuck in traffic on the 51 I about lost my shit.

2) No more small talk around the break room. I’m not huge on small talk, so that’s a nice thing.

3) No human contact. Amazing.

4) I have my own home office and I normally take non video calls in a t shirt.

I just realized this list could be never ending. I love working from home.


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11 Responses to Daily

  1. Many of my friends are happy working from home, I however, stayed at home working 4 weeks and it felt like 4 years … Have a lovely day.

  2. You wear a t-shirt but are you wearing pants? That’s the real question.

  3. Trudy says:

    The commute and lack of small talk are the best reasons. Congratulations!

  4. Renard Moreau says:

    🙂 I am pleased to know that you are happy working from home (That means you have more time for yourself and you can wear anything you want).

Thank you for your comment!