Author Bio

Author Bio

guess this was long overdue. This won’t be ground breaking and you might even want to skip this post. Here is a bit about me…

I was born in Pusan, South Korea (Busan if you are Korean) and was left on a street when I was 3 years old. I was adopted and lived my early childhood in Jackson, Mississippi which was… interesting. I moved to Memphis, TN around the first grade I believe and although similar in some ways, Memphis was very different in others. My adopted parents are white, my mom is a writer and my father is a doctor, and I have an adopted sister (SK as well) and a white adopted brother. I am the middle child.

I grew up playing competitive soccer, golf, and gymnastics. I hate baseball, so I guess I will never be “American.” Something about small hard objects being thrown at my face does not appeal to me. I was never tall enough, when I was young, and did not get picked often to play basketball. They would say “we will takkkkkkeeee… Cindy!” “DAMMIT!” Growing up with all white friends and black school mates was a bummer because I was generally in the lower 25% in height and weight. A fact that was readily apparent in physical altercations, but I will say that I gave as good as I got. I grew up white, which really just is the simple truth. I didn’t even eat Asian food, and yes I say Asian here because I wasn’t Korean at the time.

I attended University of Tennessee at Knoxville and quickly went from a good student to a below average student. Mainly because for some reason to do well in school you have to attend class, a concept that passed me by. I did not do well in college mostly because of anger at my birth mom, which I discovered in 2000. I still have not met her or talked to her and she has kept me from ever meeting my older sister, whom I didn’t know existed till 2000 as well. It took me 12 years to move past that. I still like soju though… so at least I have a comforting companion.

I enjoy writing, poetry, history, animal shows, ESPN, a few regular shows, and I also LOVE Anthony Bourdain. If I could meet him I would, he has inspired me in many ways. I would also love to meet Robert Jordan, W.E.B. Griffin, and Raymond E. Feist, my three favorite authors. Unfortunately I will have to wait a bit to meet Jordan, RIP we will always miss you Robert. Your light still shines.

Currently I work in information technology under the yoke of Corporate Rule… but maybe one day I will be able to be a real writer. Right now I do not consider myself a writer at all, in fact I would say I am an amateur pretending to be a writer. I will accept the title of blogger though, that I suppose I have earned. I enjoy scotch, 12 years or even older if I can afford it. Famous Grouse is my favorite brand because it is cheap, but if I could drink Macallen every day I would. Unfortunately my Crohn’s keeps me from drinking too much of that, probably a good thing.

What else, this is beginning to sound pretty frivolous, I like debate and I admire conviction and passion in anyone. I dislike people that throw facts around without basis, or that try to validate themselves by throwing up hypotheticals, that to me is the most annoying thing ever. I guess I am more human than I thought.

I currently live in Colorado with my wife and two daughters. It snows here. I hate snow. Anyways, that is pretty much me.


-Opinionated Man

179 Responses to Author Bio

  1. Hey Legend. I am back at writing, it’s been a long time sir.

    • Wow, how the heck are you?

      • It’s been alright. You know life happens. We take some time off and then really forget the joys we use to have writing, in which I am bringing back. I was talking with another blogger that we go so way back in the glory days of WordPress, and I was like let me find you and say what’s up.

      • Yea I kinda grew in the IT business now so I don’t have much time. I’m a director over a few teams and it gets so busy you know.

      • Trust me, I know. A bit in the same boat. Life happens as we know. What’s the drive these days of why you still write or share your words or thoughts?

      • I suppose because WordPress is still on my phone lol.

      • Your content and don’t give a… attitude and stories use to keep me entertained on my stones as we both were growing our blogs and mastering the traffic and comments and so on. I just wanted to say I appreciate you as a peer and being a part of the community of people I thought were dope keeping me on my toes to go hard for years back in the days. Love to chat it up one day like on a call or podcast if ever interested.

      • I’m glad to see you still around man. I don’t blog as much because of life, but I’m glad to still have somewhere people can find me. 👍😀

  2. Renate says:

    I couldn’t refrain from commenting. Exceptionally well

  3. martha0stout says:

    Reading through this made me smile.

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger and Sunshine awards.

    Versatile Sunshine

  4. I really like it whenever people get together and share opinions.
    Great site, keep it up!

  5. yoga2all says:

    Nice bio…..your style of writing is really good, i liked it. Keep it up…..god bless…..yoga2all (Kabbyik Mitra), India

  6. Caitlin says:

    “I will shatter a word and scatter the contents into the wind to share it with the world.”

    I like you. That is all. 🙂

  7. dtkrippene says:

    Jason, thanks for the nod on my blog earlier in the month (I’m a little behind). I kind of like snow, but don’t tell my DW.

  8. Hello Jason, Thanks for following my blog. I like how you value debate and admire conviction and passion. I feel the same way – when all three are together. I look forward to following your blog. Best wishes, Phil Stanfield

  9. Jasmin says:

    Hi Jason! Thank you for following me. I’m still new on all this stuff but I try my best. Your blog titel is an encouragement for me to be good. Keep growing!

  10. RainMosq says:

    Thank you for following me, Jason.

  11. Grace Linton says:

    Hey, thanks for following my blog. I really appreciate it. You’ve got a great blog. My blog’s about poetry and thoughts, here’s link if anyone’s interested:
    I read in a comment, OM, that you’re interested in poetry, so I hope you enjoy it 🙂

  12. Gede Prama says:

    Thank you for sharing and Greetings from Gede Prama 🙂

  13. Hi Jason, Thanks for the follow. How in the world do you find the time to blog on 2 blogs on the side of a regular job? I don’t know that I have a good blog, but I appreciate your interest. I’d love to learn how you grew your blog. Do you address that anywhere on either site? Brad

  14. Herman says:

    Hi there, Jason. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

  15. rebeccacbond says:

    Hi, thanks for following my blog, I really hope you enjoy it! Just about to check out your site, it looks great!

  16. Blue Petal says:

    I love passion just as much as you! Life is so much better with it! Thanks for the follow. Subbed!

  17. bodhizwanya says:

    Hey Jason,
    Many thanks for following my website! You are right, a good blog is certainly hard to find. You’ve got the goods here! I hope you’ll continue to check out my photography work. Take care.

    -Malika Crutchfield

  18. Thanks for following The Savvy Senorita, I appreciate it. All the best, Bex

  19. Thanks for following my blog. I enjoyed reading about you. I like snow but not all winter long. That’s why I moved from Wisconsin to California.

  20. Thaks for the follow of my ChefTellgoodies blog. What caught your interest there?

  21. Ekaterina says:

    Oops didn’t mean to post an anonymous comment! So here’s take two 🙂 Thank you OM for following my blog, appreciate you stopping by!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Thank you OM for following my blog! Appreciate you stopping by!

  23. Thanks for the follow!

  24. Sandy says:

    This reminds me I need to write something on my About me page LOL.
    Keep the ink flowing Jason, thanks for the follow. My blog is actually part of a writing challenge, so having followers makes me accountable for posting daily. 🙂

  25. Thanks, Jason, for visiting and starting to follow my blog. Good luck to all your aspirations!

  26. Hey there, thanks for the follow. I get a chance to eat at bourdains restaurant a few times a year here in nyc. If you are on twitter you might check out @cannabiscureuk. I think he is also a crohns sufferer, but has had good results with cannabis, which works well in colorado:-)

  27. Wow what an amazing story Jason! Never underestimate yourself, and as you must know by now, SIZE doesn’t matter!
    And of course thank you so much for following my blog Ingrid van Amsterdam inspirational and thought provocative art, photography, and film! Love and Light, Ingrid 🙂

  28. Ann Marie Thomas says:

    Thanks for following my blog, hope it inspires you!

  29. Thanks for the follow. I hope my musings on Santander Spain continue to appeal to you for a long time. Congrats on a great year of blogging. My first blogging anniversary is in March – I hadn’t planned on marking it but I’ve enjoyed your thoughts on that topic, and more. Keep up the good work 🙂

  30. vgarrison77 says:

    Thank you for the follow! I look forward to following your blog 🙂

  31. momfawn says:

    Thank you for following me at Triggershorse. Keep on blogging! – Fawn

  32. karencomics says:

    Thanks for the follow and the likes, Jason! I haven’t had a lot of time to look over your two blogs very much yet (two! how do you find time?!?), but I shall, I shall. And echoing some of these other comments: you write, you are a writer. Take up the title and be proud!

Thank you for your comment!